Wakiilka qaramad Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaliya Michael Keating ayaa aad u Cambaareeyneeyso weerarkii Xalay lagu qaadayPizza House iyo Posh, islamarkaan uu Tacsidda la wadaageeyso Qoysaska iyo saaxiibadda ku wax yeeloobay weerarkaas.
Mr Michael Keating aya sheegey in weerarkaas xalay lagu qaaday dad rayid ah oo afuraayey mana ahan mid lagu mar marisiyoon karo in ladadiyo dhiiga dadka iyadoo lagu jiro bishii Ramadaan, Madaxa Howgalka AMISOM ayaa sidoo kale dadka wax kusoo gareen weeraradaan u rajaymnaya in ay Bogsoodaan.
Hoos ka Akhriso war saxaafadeedka
The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Michael Keating, condemned in the strongest possible terms last night’s attack on the Pizza House restaurant and Posh Hotel in Mogadishu that reportedly killed at least 19 people.
Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the attack, which was triggered by a suicide car bomber and targeted customers who frequent the restaurant and adjacent hotel. Five militants who seized control of the restaurant were subsequently killed by Somali security forces.
“Last night’s attack was clearly aimed at civilians who were breaking the fast,” said Mr. Keating. “There can be no justification for such acts of wanton bloodshed. The holy month of Ramadan is a time of peace and compassion; the attackers have shown cynical contempt for this, and set back the prospect for a peaceful solution to Somalia’s problems”.
“On behalf of the United Nations and the broader international community, I extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and victims of the deceased and wish a full and speedy recovery to those who sustained injuries in the attack.”
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