On 17th April 2018, Community Action for Development (CAD) assessed IMPACT OF RAIN TO Elwak town and its IDPs settlements affected by floods.
The objectives of our field visit was basically to access the damages caused by rainfalls and identify the priority needs of the town villages and IDPs affected by the floods.
It was 17th of April, when it rained heavily and caused the death of one person and the distraction of more houses and as well as the displacement of 1800HH from the town.
Floods were not only caused by Tuesday rains but there were also heavy water flashed back the near southern and eastern villages of the town. Majority of the people displaced from the eastern part of town had formed a temporarily make shifting homes at DHARKEYNTA area of Elwak east.
Water depth had gone up almost above one meter and water has filled and destroyed 250 latrines and 167 shallow wells and this means wastes from latrines directly contaminated the shallow wells which can cause pandemic water born diseases.
Water has dismantled IDPs and latrines Businessmen are taking emaining goods to save place The rains have also killed large number of shoats in the outskirt of the town. Rains have also destroyed shops and other small business kiosks as more than 4 tons of sugar and flower melt out during the floods. The access of the two Elwaks is cut by the rains and no vehicle access possible. The price of food commodities had gone up hence the import means of town is collapsed.
Floods destroyed houses floods has badly affected the shallow wells Different types of water diseases have been observed last week where number of malaria, typhoid and AWD cases was referred to Elwak Kenya. Recommendations The local NGO CAD who conducted this survey recommend the below interventions to be taken soon.
➢ Distribution of emergency NFIs kits for 1, 800HH IDPs families affected by flooding
and Shelter.
➢ Construction and rehabilitation of latrines and shallow wells destroyed by the
flooding both in IDPs and other public institutions .
➢ Distribution water purifiers (aqua tabs and chlorine} and conduct HP campaign to
mitigate the risk of water born diseases outbreaks.
➢ Distribution of either food voucher or emergency food to cover food needs of the
flood displaced households.
➢ Inject emergency UCT and CCT programs to restore the purchase power of the
affected people.
Elwak and Its Villages Field Visit.
Agency Conducted: Community Action For Development.
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